Astrid Kainzbauer, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Research Area: Management
Specializations: Intercultural Management, Asian Management, Cultural influence on teaching/learning, Experiential learning, Embodied Cognition

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Dr. Astrid Kainzbauer received her Doctoral Degree in Social and Economic Sciences at Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria. She specializes in the area of Intercultural Management, Organizational Behavior and Soft Skills Development. She has many years of teaching experience in this field and has been a visiting lecturer at business schools in Western and Eastern Europe, as well as Australia and Asia. Her research interests include intercultural management, intercultural training as well as cultural influence on teaching/learning styles, experiential learning and embodied cognition.

Dr. Kainzbauer also has 30 years of experience in international education. She is Assistant Dean of International Relations at CMMU, and previously held the the position of Vice-Director of International Studies at Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria.
    1. Kainzbauer, A., & Hunt, B. (2021). Investigating the worldview of professionals: reflections on the challenges of researching in the Thai culture. In D.S.A. Guttormsen, J. Lauring & M. Chapman (Eds), Field Guide to Intercultural Research. United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing; p. 330-340.
    2. Kainzbauer, A., Rungruang, P., Hallinger, P. (2021). How Does Research on Sustainable Human Resource Management Contribute to Corporate Sustainability: A Document Co-Citation Analysis, 1982–2021; Sustainability, MDPI, 13(21), 1-21.
    3. Vora, D. & Kainzbauer, A. (2020). Humanistic Leadership in Thailand: A Mix of Indigenous and Global Aspects using a Cross-Cultural Perspective. Journal of Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
    4. Lowe, S., Kainzbauer, A. & Hwang, K. (2020). Exploring culture as a paradox: complementary QUEUE analysis of cultural values and practices. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 33(1), 127-142.
    5. Kainzbauer, A. & Rungruang, P. (2019). Science Mapping of the Knowledge Base on Sustainable Human Resource Management 1982-2019. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(14), Article number 3938
    6. Lowe, S., Kainzbauer, A. & Ngamcharoenmongkol, P. (2019). Conceptual blending of meanings in business marketing relationships. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 34(7), 1547-1554.
    7. Kainzbauer, A., Lowe S. (2018) Embodied realism by design in Thai management education, International Journal of Management Education, 16(2): 281-291.
    8. Lowe S., Rod M., Kainzbauer A., Hwang K.S. (2016) Exploring the perceived value of social practice theories for business-to-business marketing managers, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 29(5): 751-768.
    9. Kainzbauer A., Hunt B. (2016) Meeting the challenges of teaching in a different cultural environment – Evidence from graduate management schools in Thailand, Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, v36 suppl. 156-168.
    10. Schreier C., Kainzbauer A. (2016) Cultural Intelligence at Work – A Case Study from Thailand, in: Barmeyer C. & Franklin P. (eds). Intercultural Management, A Case-Based Approach to Achieving Complementarity and Synergy, Palgrave Macmillan.
    11. Robalo A., Kainzbauer A., Durão I. (2015) Portuguese cultural standards from an Austrian perspective, Global Economics and Management Review, 20(2): 29-37.
    12. Lowe, S., Kainzbauer, A., Magala, S. J. & Daskalaki, M. (2015), International business and the Balti of meaning: Food for thought, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 28(2), 177-193.
    13. Lowe S., Kainzbauer A., Tapachai N. & Hwang K.S. (2015) Ambicultural blending between Eastern and Western paradigms: Fresh perspectives for international management research, Culture and Organization, 21(4), 304-320.
    14. Reiche B.S., Cardona P., & 22 co-authors (2014) Why do Managers Engage in Trustworthy Behavior? A Multilevel Cross-Cultural Study in 18 Countries, Personnel Psychology, 67 (1), 61–98.
    15. Kainzbauer A. (2013) Manager – Subordinate Trust Relationships in Thailand, in: Cardona P. & Morley M. (eds): Manager –Subordinate Trust: A Global Perspective, Routledge, NY.
    16. Kainzbauer A. (2010) Perplexity in Southeast Asia: De-perplexing the expat, in: Lowe S. (Ed.): Managing in Changing Times; A Guide to the Perplexed Manager, Sage, India.
    17. Brueck F., Kainzbauer A. (2009) The Contribution of Autophotography for Cross-cultural Knowledge Transfer, European Journal of Cross-cultural Competence and Management (EJCCM) 1 (1), 77-96
    18. Kainzbauer A., Dickie L. (2009) Competent Human Resource Training Strategies, A three-nation study of cultural differences, in: S.H. Ong et al. (Eds.), Intercultural Communication Competencies in Higher Education and Management, p.56-83, Marshall Cavendish Academic, Singapore.
    19. Kainzbauer A., Haghirian P. (2009) Teaching across cultures: European Teaching Experiences in Asian Business Classrooms, in: S.H. Ong et al. (Eds.) (2006), Intercultural Communication Competencies in Higher Education and Management, 56-83, Marshall Cavendish Academic, Singapore.
    20. Magala S., Kainzbauer A. (2005) Manager as narrator: the organizational discourse, The case of managerial discourse in countries divided by common language or practice: Austria versus Germany and Germany versus Great Britain, in: Magala S. (ed): Cross-cultural Competence, 154-165, Routledge, Oxon.
    21. Kainzbauer A. (2005) Intercultural Improvisation Training: The benefits of using improvisation techniques in intercultural training, Journal of Cross-cultural Competence and Management, 4/2005, 173-197
    22. Brueck F., Kainzbauer A. (2003) EnterTrainment - A New Direction For Cross-Cultural Training, in: J. Biberman & A. Alkhafaji (Eds.), Business Research Yearbook: Global business perspectives (Vol. 10: 2003). Michigan: McNaughton & Gunn
    23. Kainzbauer A., Zafarpour S., Agardi I., Hofmeister A., Neulinger A., Kosta J., Sindlarova J. & Tunakova A. (2002) Psychological Distance in the Euromove Region, Journal of Cross-cultural Competence and Management, 3/2002, 159-198
    24. Kainzbauer A. (2002) Kultur im Interkulturellen Training, IKO Verlag, Frankfurt
    25. Hotter C., Kainzbauer A. (2001) Oesterreichische Kulturstandards aus der Sicht belgischer Manager, in: G. Fink/S. Meierewert (eds): Interkulturelles Management – Oesterreichische Perspektiven, Springer Verlag, Wien
    26. Kainzbauer A., Brueck F. (2000) Cultural Standards Austria-Hungary, Journal of Cross cultural Competence & Management 2/2000, 73-102.
    27. Kainzbauer A. (1999) Management Training across cultures - the German versus the British perspective, European International Business Academy, Manchester 1999
    28. Kainzbauer A. (1996) Der Einfluss des Faktors Kultur im interkulturellen Training, Kultur&Management, Arbeitspapier 5, Gesellschaft für Ostkooperation, Wien

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