Randall Shannon, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Research Area: Marketing
Specializations: Marketing, Consumer behavior, Retailing, Cross-cultural, Sustainable consumption

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Dr. Randall Shannon received his doctorate in Marketing, with a focus on cross-cultural consumer behavior and branding from Thammasat University. Following a career in marketing research at AC Nielsen, he has been teaching in Thailand for more than 20 years, typically topics related to marketing, consumer behavior, marketing research, new product development and advertising.

Dr. Shannon has published more than a hundred conference papers and journal articles, seven book chapters and a marketing textbook. He has published articles in international journals, such as the Journal of Brand Management, Sustainability, and Oxford's European Retail Digest. He has also worked on various consulting projects within Asia for companies such as McKinsey, and Temporal Brand Consulting.

Dr. Shannon's research interests include consumer behavior (especially cross-cultural aspects) as relates to retailing and shopping behavior, as well as marketing in general. He enjoys exploring consumer motivations and how this can be applied to enhance marketing, such as through more effective advertising and branding. His research interests also include successful aging, marketing to aging consumers and sustainability issues, such as sustainable consumption.
    1. Prakitsuwan, P., Moschis, G., and Shannon, R. (2020). Using the Life Course Paradigm to Study Financial Well-being in Late Life. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.
    2. Moschis, G. P., Mathur, A., and Shannon, R. (2020). Toward Achieving Sustainable Food Consumption: Insights from the Life Course Paradigm. Sustainability (special issue about food choice and consumer preferences). Volume 12, 5359; doi:10.3390/su12135359. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/13/5359/pdf
    3. Shannon, R., Sthienrapapayut, T., Moschis, G.P., Teichert, T., & Balikcioglu, B. (2020). Family Life Cycle and the Life Course Paradigm: A Four-Country Comparative Study of Consumer Expenditures. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science. Volume 30, issue 1, George P. Moschis tribute special issue part two. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/21639159.2019.1613913
    4. Mathur, A., Yingwattanakul, P., Shannon, R., Lee, E. & Pizzutti, C. (2020). Using the Life Course Approach to Explain the Onset and Continuity Preventive Healthcare Behaviors: A Comparative Study Across Four Countries. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science. Volume 30, issue 1, George P. Moschis tribute special issue part two.
    5. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/21639159.2019.1613907?journalCode=rgam20
    6. Kasper, H., Mathur, A., Ong, F.S., Shannon, R., & Yingwattanakul, P. (2019). Contextual Influences on Financial Preparedness of Middle-Aged Workers: A Four-Country Comparative Life Course Study. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science. Volume 29, issue 4, George P. Moschis tribute special issue part one. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21639159.2019.1613909
    7. Vatananan-Thesenvitz, R., Schaller, A., & Shannon, R. (2019). A Bibliometric Review of the Knowledge Base for Innovation in Sustainable Development, in a special issue of Sustainability, 11(20), 5783. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/11/20/5783
    8. Thanasrivanitchai, J., Moschis, G. & R. Shannon. (2017). Explaining Older Consumers’ Low Use of the Internet. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising. Volume 11, Issue 4 (pp. 355-375). https://doi.org/10.1504/IJIMA.2017.087271. SJR Scimago Q3 journal.
    9. Vijaranakorn, K. & Shannon, R. (2016). The Influence of Country Image on Luxury Value Perceptions and Purchase Intention. Journal of Asia Business Studies. Volume 11, Issue 1, (pp. 88-110). https://doi.org/10.1108/JABS-08-2015-0142. SJR Scimago Q3 journal.
    10. Mandhachitara, R. & Shannon, R. (2016). The Formation and Sustainability of Same Product Retail Store Clusters in a Modern Mega City. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie (The Journal of Economic and Social Geography). Volume 107, number 5, December 2016, (pp. 567-581). SJR Scimago Q1 journal.
    11. Jantarat, J. & Shannon, R. (2016). The Moderating Effects of In-Store Marketing on the Relationships Between Shopping Motivations and Loyalty Intentions. International Review of Retail, Distribution, and Consumer Research. Volume 26, number 5, (pp. 566-588). https://doi.org/10.1080/09593969.2016.1159242. SJR Scimago Q3 journal.
    12. Kongarchapatara, B. & Shannon, R. (2016). The Effect of Time Stress on Store Loyalty: A Case of Food and Grocery Shopping in Thailand. Australasian Marketing Journal. Volume 24, number 4, (pp. 267-274). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ausmj.2016.10.002. SJR Scimago Q2 journal.
    13. Rakrachakarn, V., Moschis, G., Ong, F.S. & R. Shannon. (2015). Materialism and Life Satisfaction: The Role of Religion. The Journal of Religion and Health. Volume 54, Issue 2, (pp. 413-426). DOI: 10.1007/s10943-013-9794-y. SJR Scimago Q1 journal.
    14. Shannon, R. (2014). The Expansion of Modern Trade Food Retailing in Thailand. The International Review of Retailing, Distribution and Consumer Research. Volume 24, Issue 5 (pp. 531-543). https://doi.org/10.1080/09593969.2014.976764. SJR Scimago Q3 journal.
    15. Cai, Y. & R. Shannon. (2012). Personal Values and Mall Shopping Behavior - the Mediating Role of Intention Among Chinese Consumers. International Journal of Retailing and Distribution Management. Volume 40, Issue 4 (pp. 290-318). https://doi.org/10.1108/09590551211211783. SJR Scimago Q2 journal.
    16. Schumann, J., Wangenheim, F., Stringfellow, A., Yang, Z., Blazevic, V., Praxmarer, S., Shainesh, G., Komor, M., Shannon, R. & F. Jiménez. Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effect of Received Word of Mouth Referral in Relational Service Exchange. Journal of International Marketing. Volume 18, Issue 3 (pp. 62-80). https://doi.org/10.1509/jimk.18.3.62. SJR Scimago Q1 journal.
    17. Schumann, J., Wangenheim, F., Stringfellow, A., Yang, Z., Praxmarer, S., Jiménez, F., Blazevic, V., Shannon, R., Shainesh, G. & M. Komor. Journal of Service Research. Volume 13, Issue 4 (pp. 453-468). https://doi.org/10.1177/1094670510368425. SJR Scimago Q1 journal. This paper won an award as one of the five best papers published in 2010 in JSR.
    18. Shannon, R. (2009). The Transformation of Food Retailing in Thailand, 1997-2007. The Asia Pacific Business Review. Volume 15, Issue 1 (pp. 79-92). https://doi.org/10.1080/13602380802399379. SJR Scimago Q1 journal when published, but is currently ranked Q2.
    19. Shannon, R. (2009). The Transformation of Food Retailing in Thailand, 1997-2007. The Asia Pacific Business Review. Volume 15, Issue 1 (pp. 79-92). https://doi.org/10.1080/13602380802399379. SJR Scimago Q1 journal when published, but is currently ranked Q2.
    20. DeWeaver, M. & R. Shannon. (2010). Waning Vigilance and the Disposition Effect: Evidence from Thailand on Individual Investor Decision Making. The Journal of Socio Economics (now: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics). Volume 39, Issue 1 (pp. 18-23). SJR Scimago Q2 journal.
    21. Nguyen, H. V., Moschis, G., Shannon, R. & K. Gotthelf. 2009. The Effects of Family Structure and Socialization, Influences on Compulsive Buying: A Life Course Study in in Thailand. (now Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science: Bridging Asia and the World). Volume 19, Issue 2 (pp. 29-41). https://doi.org/10.1080/12297119.2009.9707289. This was a Q1 journal at the time of publication, but I cannot find the ranking now
    22. Nguyen, H. V., Moschis, G., Shannon, R. (2009). The Effects of Family Structure and Socialization on Materialism: A Life Course Study in Thailand. International Journal of Consumer Studies. Volume 33, Issue 4 (pp. 486-495). 10.1111/j.1470-6431.2009.00778.x SJR Scimago Q2 journal.
    23. Shannon, R. & R. Mandhachitara. (2008). Causal Path Modeling of Grocery Shopping in Hypermarkets. Journal of Product and Brand Management. Volume 17, Issue 5 (pp. 327-340). https://doi.org/10.1108/10610420810896086 SJR Scimago Q2 journal.
    24. Mandhachitara, R., Shannon, R. & C. Hadjicharalambous. (2007). Why Private Label Grocery Brands Have Not Succeeded in Asia. Journal of Global Marketing. Volume 20, Issue 2-3 (pp. 71-87). https://doi.org/10.1300/J042v20n02_07. SJR Scimago Q2 journal at the time of publication, but is now listed as Q3.
    25. Shannon, R. & R. Mandhachitara. (2005). Journal of Brand Management. Volume 12, Issue 6 (pp. 461-474). https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.bm.2540240. I cannot find the SJR Scimago ranking at the time of publication, but it is now listed as Q2.

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